


普世即在地化上週參加排灣中會的一場活動,突然有位很久不見的kina用很憐憫的眼神看著我們:「你們現在的服事還好嗎?」,「可以啦!」我想也沒想的就回了。結果這位kina 說他們上次來到我們牧養的部落,為我們在病痛的長老禱告。結果我們的長老就告訴他們:「有空來這們這裡啊!為我們的傳道師禱告,他們好可憐喔~」。
最近看宇宙光雜誌的報導⟪偏鄉的真實需要⟫提到一個社區就算再怎麼貧弱,只要那個社區有一個好的老師和一對相處融洽的夫妻,就能讓下一代成為社會的助益,成為偏鄉的需要。 …全文閱讀請至:http://paiwan.com.tw/UniandUbak/?p=28

Ecumenism in Local Place
Last week, we had attended an event hosted by Paiwan Presbytery of Presbyterian Church of Taiwan. We met a “kina” (mother in Paiwanese), who gently asked us “is it going well in your ministry?” “Nothing to worry!”, I replied. The kina continued to say that, few weeks ago, she had come to our church, and prayed for our elder who was in pain. The elder told her, “Please come to our place and pray for our pastors. They need much mercy.”
However, if we have no experience of local pastoring, we cannot truly understand the differences happened in Taiwan. We cross over our familiar places, broaden our vision, and train ourselves to much possibility.
Recently, I’ve read a report from Cosmiccare, named “The Real Needs from Rural Places”. In this article, it said that even if there is a weak community with poverty, a good teacher and a couple might become a help and serve the needs of community…..→http://paiwan.com.tw/UniandUbak/?p=28