
我們接待兩位普世的客人Today, it’s our 1st anniversary of being local pastors (not ordained yet). Also, it is first day of ILT local program. We welcome two our ecumenical guests, one from U.S., Megan Lin; the another is from Japan, called Wakana (若菜). We are grateful for what God has done for us in this first year.
今天是我們到牡林和長樂的第一年;也是ILT行中會的第一天。我們接待兩位普世的客人,一位是來自美國的林孟瑜,另一位是來自日本的高坂若菜。感謝主過去這一年為我們所做的事情。 …..閱覽全文請至: http://paiwan.com.tw/UniandUbak/?p=43