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我們接待兩位普世的客人We welcome two our ecumenical guests

我們接待兩位普世的客人We welcome two our ecumenical guestsToday, it’s our 1st anniversary of being local pastors (not ordained yet). Also, it is first day of ILT local program. We welcome two our ecumenical guests, one from U.S., Megan Lin; the another is from Japan, called Wakana (若菜). We are grateful for what God has done for us in this first year.
We’ve never thought that we came to this local church full of suffering and pain. Before coming to D⋯⋯raki church and Churaku, we thought that it was like any kind of locally tribal village. However, when we live within our congregation, we felt, “How can this tribal village be? How can they suffer from injustice and oppression without saying any words?” One of two churches was suffered from cruel colonization by Japan Empire. It was also reluctantly assimilated with the Chinese culture (Draki church) and the another one is forced to leave their residence by KMT government (Churaku church).
We’ve never thought that we came to this local place with diverse languages and styles. These church are composed of two or three cultures above; therefore, we really experience ecumenically diverse in language use. By using and listening different languages, we thought that ecumenism is far away from us. It’s locally ecumenical in culture, history, and language.