





It’s hard to imagine that a child was killed without any reasons, and the police told you, you cannot hug him.
It’s hard to imagine that the leaders in tribes were suddenly dead;
It’s hard to imagine that when a child went back home, his mother was arrested.
however, the police told you that you cannot propose your petition.

After hearing your stories in an island, I couldn’t restrain my sadness anymore.
How can it so miserable?

I know that it’s hard and difficult for you to keep hoping.
Because we really feel about the pains full of your life.
When the road to Home is fill with violence and blood, the road to home becomes more difficult.
Standing on our land, but it looks like a refugee.
All these things happened because our land is rich of gold and other natural resources.
80% of the mining permission and agreements are located on your(Lumad) lands.
However, you never got any benefits from the mining,
on the contrary, you got displaced and killed from it.

Your stories are our pains.

But I believe Jesus is listening to our pains.
But,please don’t be afraid because we have Jesus, we have each other.
Your pains will become our forces to fight against the injustice.

* Lumad,在Bisaya語中,這個詞有「生於大地(born of the Earth, native of the land)」的意思,居住在菲律賓南部民答那峨島(Mindanao),來自不同部落的方言族群,而也有人將他們泛稱為所有居住在民答那峨島上的原住民。

我們接待兩位普世的客人We welcome two our ecumenical guests

我們接待兩位普世的客人We welcome two our ecumenical guestsToday, it’s our 1st anniversary of being local pastors (not ordained yet). Also, it is first day of ILT local program. We welcome two our ecumenical guests, one from U.S., Megan Lin; the another is from Japan, called Wakana (若菜). We are grateful for what God has done for us in this first year.
We’ve never thought that we came to this local church full of suffering and pain. Before coming to D⋯⋯raki church and Churaku, we thought that it was like any kind of locally tribal village. However, when we live within our congregation, we felt, “How can this tribal village be? How can they suffer from injustice and oppression without saying any words?” One of two churches was suffered from cruel colonization by Japan Empire. It was also reluctantly assimilated with the Chinese culture (Draki church) and the another one is forced to leave their residence by KMT government (Churaku church).
We’ve never thought that we came to this local place with diverse languages and styles. These church are composed of two or three cultures above; therefore, we really experience ecumenically diverse in language use. By using and listening different languages, we thought that ecumenism is far away from us. It’s locally ecumenical in culture, history, and language.

接待ILT青年 促成普世交流

■採訪報導/台灣教會公報 林婉婷 ■相片提供/牡林、長樂教會
■採訪報導/台灣教會公報 林婉婷 ■相片提供/牡林、長樂教會

【林婉婷採訪報導】由台灣基督長老教為總會青年事工委員會主辦的「我愛台灣宣教營」(I Love Taiwan Mission Camp,簡稱ILT),已於7月13日正式結束。今年為排灣中會牡林、長樂教會首次接待ILT青年,分別是來自美國的林孟瑜(Megan Lin)和日本的髙坂若菜(Wakana Kosaka)。

2位青年除了參與「愛在屏200線」聯合夏令營與「美麗新世界」排中教育部主日學夏令營服事,還參加安坡部落豐年祭、佳義教會封牧典禮、四林村文化健康站活動等; …..全文閱讀請至:台灣教會公


普世即在地化 Ecumenism in Local Place上週參加排灣中會的一場活動,突然有位很久不見的kina用很憐憫的眼神看著我們:「你們現在的服事還好嗎?」,「可以啦!」我想也沒想的就回了。結果這位kina 說他們上次來到我們牧養的部落,為我們在病痛的長老禱告。結果我們的長老就告訴他們:「有空來這們這裡啊!為我們的傳道師禱告,他們好可憐喔~」。


Ecumenism in Local Place
Last week, we had attended an event hosted by Paiwan Presbytery of Presbyterian Church of Taiwan. We met a “kina” (mother in Paiwanese), who gently asked us “is it going well in your ministry?” “Nothing to worry!”, I replied. The kina continued to say that, few weeks ago, she had come to our church, and prayed for our elder who was in pain. The elder told her, “Please come to our place and pray for our pastors. They need much mercy.”
However, if we have no experience of local pastoring, we cannot truly understand the differences happened in Taiwan. We cross over our familiar places, broaden our vision, and train ourselves to much possibility.
Recently, I’ve read a report from Cosmiccare, named “The Real Needs from Rural Places”. In this article, it said that even if there is a weak community with poverty, a good teacher and a couple might become a help and serve the needs of community. When the writer of this article think of Jesus, he said, Jesus takes care of people’s needs at first sight: being forgiven, being healed, full pack of fishes, and delicious wine in the banquet. After fulling people’s needs, the Gospel of God came to them. God sent Jesus to the earth because of people’s needs. I have to say, if anyone wants to donate to rural places, please come and take walk around these places.
We all want to follow Jesus; however, we also know that following Jesus doesn’t mean “staying in comfortable places, enjoying a feast, and talking about people’s suffering and repression”. What Jesus had done is to lead His disciple, pay a visit by foot, to heal the sick, and teach His students. He had watched those in suffering with His merciful eyes. Jesus is truly ecumenical and local. Just as scribed in Matthew 25:40: “And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me’.”

Uni and Ubak’s Ecumenical Journey(Uni and Ubak的普世之旅)/法法吾妮.拉樂歌安和蔣記剛的普世之旅(Uni and Ubak的普世之旅)